Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Two unnamed sisters were driving to there home. The older one was driving of coarse and was on a mission to make sure her dad's plans were finished, "GET YOUR LITTLE SISTER HOME", his voice kept ringing and ringing in her ear like all of his words usually do.

So thats what she planned to do.

Little sister had other plans. Little sister had an old boyfriend who was not bad but not good either, their lives were interesting but something that no one else understood was that what they felt was something that they believed was LOVE.

"i wanna stay with him this week, i worked my ass of for two weeks to do it, so why cant i stay for a week?" she protested and protested but big sister's ears were already infested with her father's voice.

So nothing changed and they arrive to their destination. However little sister was still determined determined to live as Romeo and Juliet had to live their lives, secret lovers willing to do anything. So little sister spoke to Mother who was soft when it came to her.

and they drove away from father's destination. Little sister was happy and got to her destination.

But on the way back mother underestimated her eyes and crashed in a terrible unfortunate event. Died.

Susan woke up
"damn that dream was fucked"

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